Our recent research articles, books and non-academic publications.
Please contact us if you cannot access publication.
How Europe Got Russia Wrong. Energy, Violence, and the Environment
Type of publication: Book
Publication details: Edward Elgar.
Researcher(s): Olga Dovbysh & Mika Perkiömäki
(De)politicization of the environmental agenda in Russian media
Type of publication: Refereed article in an academic journal
Publication details: Journalism.
Researcher(s): Olga Dovbysh & Mika Perkiömäki
Limited and restricted: The Sámi cultural environment and the rights of Indigenous peoples in the north of Russia
Type of publication: Expert opinion
Publication details: ALEKSANTERI INSIGHT 1/2024
Researcher(s): Mirkka Ollila
Energy futures reimagined: the global energy transition and dependence on Russian energy as issues in the sociotechnical imaginaries of energy security in Finland
Type of publication: Research article
Publication details: Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 93, November 2022, 102840
Researcher(s): Sakari Höysniemi
Intervening by staying professional: How Nordic environmental journalists make sense of their roles
Type of publication: Article in an academic journal
Publication details: Nordicom Review 45(2), 257–276.
Researcher(s): Olga Dovbysh, Teemu Oivo
Kuinka ympäristökeskustelujen on käynyt Venäjällä?
Type of publication: Essay in an academic journal
Publication details: Idäntutkimus 30 (2):27-33.
Researcher(s): Teemu Oivo
Understanding Arctic oil and gas : entanglements of gender, emotions and environment
Type of publication: Doctoral dissertation
Researcher(s): Sohvi Kangasluoma
Making of the Arctic dream – affective resources in the strategies of Arctic coastal states
Type of publication: Research article
Publication details: Globalizations, 2022
Researcher(s): Sohvi Kangasluoma & Hanna Lempinen
Experiencing (in)securities in northern Norway: Narratives of emotion and extractivism
Type of publication: Research article
Publication details: The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2021
Researcher(s): Sohvi Kangasluoma
Drilling for the future: Gendered justifications of the Arctic fossil fuel industry
Type of publication: Research article
Publication details: Polar Record, Volume 56, 2020
Researcher(s): Sohvi Kangasluoma
The Geopolitics of Renewables in Kazakhstan and Russia
Type of publication: Research article
Publication details: Geopolitics, Volume 26, Issue 2, 2021
Researcher(s): Natalie Koch & Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen
"Pomorje ei ole kaatopaikka" - Jäteaktivismia ja Šiesin tapaus
Type of publication: Research article
Publication details: Niin & Näin, 4/20, 2020
Researcher(s): Elena Gorbacheva