FLOWISION online roundtable 28 October in Aleksanteri Conference comparing Sustainability Transitions

Our Flowision consortium will have a roundtable titled as “Enhancing Energy Transition in Russia and Finland by Making Resource Flows Visible” as part of Aleksanteri Conference held online 27-29 October.
In our roundtable on Thursday 28 October at 10-11.30 AM we seek to discuss one of the biggest challenges of our time, climate change and energy transition, through fresh and diverse approaches, focusing both on Finland and Russia. We focus on the visibility of fossil and renewable energy, and waste as they traverse through society in Russia and Finland. By unfolding how these resource flows are made (in)visible in these contexts we open avenues to understand how they are part of the political.
We start with Finland with the presentations focusing on energy security and energy transition. First our consortium member Sakari Höysniemi who acts a chair, focuses on storylines of energy security in the context of Finnish-Russian energy-relations and how they differ in their anticipatory logics in connection to energy transition. Then Marjukka Parkkinen proceeds this topic by looking at (in)visibility of the future in the National Energy and Climate Strategy with particular focus on the interplay of describing and making the future.
Then we move to Russia and focus on the role of media and civil society as part of sustainability transitions by our consortium members. First Olga Dovbysh showcases media coverage of global and local environmental issues in Russian media system with focus on data journalism and access to data. Then Alexandra Barmina and Olga Bychkova present their work on waste protests in Russia.
We then aim to compare our cases and shed light on the different ways of making sustainability (in)visible. We’ll publish after the roundtable key outcomes.